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Error text from server
Recover password

Email sent

We’ve sent a recovery email to [email protected]. Please check your email and follow instructions to create a new password.

Email confirmation

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Analyze, Trim, And Repurpose Your Shows

Get insights into your audience behaviour and repurpose snippets of past live shows.
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Track Audience Activity Of Your Stream

Check the stream's timeline to identify the audience's attention peaks with likes, comments, and new Amazon followers, along with featured product indicators.

Trim And Edit Online

Use insights from the Audience Activity to trim out the desired footage in the web-based Editor and create new materials from your past shows.

Repurpose The Content

Don’t waste precious video content! Repurpose snippets of your past shows to maximize your reach with condensed dynamic video materials. Hellooo efficiency!

Stream. Engage. Have Fun.

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* Risk-Free. No Credit Card Required
Be.Live is the only tool you need for effortless and engaging streaming. Start the 14-day free trial today and see for yourself!